Smelling Apples and Bananas can help you weight Loss , Know all smelling Facts
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Are You wondering after reading the headline or after seeing this photo? If yes , then don't bother any more ; I am going to clear all your doubts and misunderstanding about this fact.
Very clearly I am writting here "It is true that if you were to smell green apples or bananas before every meal, you’d actually end up losing weight. This is a scientifically proven fact." Understood? In order to make you understand how our scientists proved this fact, scientists took a group of almost 3,200 overweight women and made them smell specific scents whenever they were hungry.
All the women chosen were between the ages of 18 and 64. They were told to smell scents of items like bananas, peppermint, vanilla and green apple by the studying Scientists. The test was held for six months and these women lost almost 14 kg, on an average, during this period. After first study and it's observation , scientists get a clue about this fact. After some days again scientists start another test of a similar nature and was done in a separate setting and the observation gets similar results.
The big question is how does smelling the scents of bananas or green apples help you lose weight? The answer has to do with the way our bodies perceive our eating habits. The sense of smell is a crucial element of our eating habits and it effect on our health.
Firstly, our sense of smell causes us to become hungry. If the scent we smell is particularly appetising, we crave food and end up overeating. Furthermore, when our brain receives signals from our nose about a particular type of food, it thinks that it has eaten the food.
The result is that we start feeling full and uninterested in eating more. In simple terms, we can say that smelling these neutral sweet scents can curb our appetite and we end up eating less. In the long term, this means weight loss.
Some Other Study realted to smelling fruit and vegetable
✓ Extra Virgin Olive Oil: German Research Center for Food Chemistry states that if you smell this oil, you are bound to lose a lot of calories. How? The participants were made to consume yogurt with the aroma of this oil. They could not consume a lot of calories. They also had improved blood sugar response as compared to the others, who had plain yogurt, without any extracts.
✓ Green Bananas: According to a study conducted by Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation, the ones who smelled green bananas didn’t feed hungry for a long period of time.
✓ Garlic: 2012’s study was included in the journal named Flavour; it stated that strong and sharp aromas make you eat smaller portions of food.
✓ Grapefruit: We all know that this fruit is fully loaded with vitamin C; a lot of dieters keep eating this fruit to lose weight, quickly. If you eat this fruit a lot, there’s some good news for you; Osaka University in Japan’s researches state that smelling on the aroma of this fruit also helps in losing weight quickly.
✓ Fennel: The crunchy smell of this plant has always been used by Italians. According to West Coast Institute of Aromatherapy, it suppresses the appetite due to its strong aroma.
✓ Green Apples: Green apples also have strong aromas that lead to the destruction of appetite. Such fruits have amazing aromas that bring down the cravings for different foods in your body.
In the concluding paragraph of the very interesting and inspiring article , I being the admin of very often searched fact page on instagram viz. #UjjwalFact , I would highly recommend the tips and information above published to be exercised to get better & fruitful result with very less effort and time .